I have the most amazing opportunity to represent South African families raising d/Deaf/Hard of Hearing children at an international congress in Austria!!! I’ve been awarded a partial parent scholarship, but we need to raise the additional funds required. Read more here.
This opportunity will hugely impact on the outreach and advocacy work that I do through Decibels of Love, an organisation that I founded (with my son) in 2014 – the first of its kind in South Africa, driving parent-to-parent support.
If I had the money, then I would register, book accommodations and flights in a heartbeat!! Decibels of Love, after all, is about the heart . . . Unfortunately I do not grow money, I grow families
So today, I’m here, reaching out to you! Please support my R50 to Austria Campaign or share this post. Each share will create awareness of the work we do, and hopefully help us to raise the additional funds needed.
Thank you for your awesomeness!! You can kindly donate your R50 here . . .
Bank: Capitec Bank
Name: Decibels of Love
Acc Number: 1385368991
Branch Code: 470010
Acc Type: Savings
Reference: FCEI & your email addresss
International Donors Swift Code: CABLZAJJ
Please email info@decibelsoflove.com if you need more details for international donations. Thank you!
And this video below is why I do what I do, with ALL my heart and with ALL that I am . . .
Chevone we need the branch / branch code thanks!
Heather, thanks so much for your donation!
Hi Chevone, There wasn’t enough space for my long email address so I have just left my name after the FCEI. Good luck. If anyone deserves this you do!
Hi Margaret, thank you so much for your generosity!